Monday, August 6, 2007


A quick entry today, but an important discovery. The two biggest ways in which I think I have changed since moving to Rome. One, I have what I would call a tan. All of the endless hiking back and forth across the city in the Mediterranean sun has at least one advantage (except, of course for the cancerous UV rays). I think it is quite a lustrous bronze, although the Italians still comment that I should frequent the beach more. Still, due to my Germanic roots, even a little tan is an exciting thing for this girl.

Second, I arrived in Rome three weeks ago, and started drinking coffee two weeks and six days ago. I am now hooked enough to long for the caffeinated beverage if I have not yet partaken in the habit for that day. In fact, every day during the break in my Italian lessons, I am almost drooling in anticipation of my coffee fix. I started out strong and went straight to the hard stuff, the "caffe" or espresso. I started with it because it is basically a shot and I could slug it down without bothering to taste it. I moved on to the two or three gulp, cafe freddo. This is basically cold coffee and sugar, very good for a hot afternoon. Today I had my first cappuccino, a regular cup of coffee, steamed milk and my own addition, three packs of sugar. I had been reacting to the coffee pretty well. I felt more awake and alert afterwards and generally liked the Italian tradition of ordering from the barista and sipping it at the bar. Today I experienced a different reaction; apparently the cappuccino packs a bit more of a powerful punch. I spent the rest of the mid-morning and early afternoon on "pins and needles", nervous, anxious and all around just not myself. Will this reaction lessen with time, experience and practice? There is only one way to find out! Perhaps someday I will figure out how to use the Italian coffee maker that was supplied with the apartment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear I'm not the only one in the household with a substance abuse problem :-)

Although I started on American coffee and graduated to Italian...I don't know if it can work in reverse.